Lat pulldown iso Front plate loaded
Lat pulldown iso Front plate loaded
Lat pulldown iso Front plate loaded

Lat pulldown iso Front plate loaded

Regular price £1,299.00 £999.00 Sale

This machine has been ergonomically designed and certainly ensures super smooth movement! This also allows you to reach the full range of motion of your lats with every repetition. Maximum muscle contraction is guaranteed as well. You will be provided with the safety of a machine. This maximises both the benefit and security for users when training. Our machines are also built for your maximum comfort. Above all, they allow you to complete smooth movements. This allows the muscles to both diverge / converge in a natural arc.

Built from commercial grade steel, this machine is as durable as they come. Moreover, this machine comes with foam padded leg holders and a quick-release seat adjustment. As a result, this ensures the user can achieve the optimum seated position with very minimum effort.

Additional Information:
  • Olympic weight pin holders
  • Multi grip handles
  • Target various back muscles with various grips